9.5" by 29"
I strayed slightly from my usual subject with this painting, but it was one I had in the back of my mind for several years. While I worked on Autumn Birch I felt I was walking through a grove of birch trees just at the height of Autumn. I wanted the viewer to hear the slight crunch of dried leaves and the moist earthy smell of a young stand of trees in October. My main goal was to portray the sensation of overwhelming color which I emphasized by playing a strong blue against the orange and yellow. The long format of this piece enhances the feeling of needing to turn your head to see what is beyond.
9.5" by 29"
I strayed slightly from my usual subject with this painting, but it was one I had in the back of my mind for several years. While I worked on Autumn Birch I felt I was walking through a grove of birch trees just at the height of Autumn. I wanted the viewer to hear the slight crunch of dried leaves and the moist earthy smell of a young stand of trees in October. My main goal was to portray the sensation of overwhelming color which I emphasized by playing a strong blue against the orange and yellow. The long format of this piece enhances the feeling of needing to turn your head to see what is beyond.

Yellow Canoes
10” by 29"
The idea for yellow canoes came during an early walk around a lake in late July. It was a beautiful day without a cloud in the sky. I was struck by how still the water was that day. The reflections were a perfect duplicate of reality. Unlike most of my paintings I painting half of it while the painting was upside down, which is actually harder than you might think. It was a little right brain, left brain tug-o -war. Sometimes I wish I could not only paint what I see visual, but also paint what I audibly hear as well. Country mornings create the most beautiful music.
10” by 29"
The idea for yellow canoes came during an early walk around a lake in late July. It was a beautiful day without a cloud in the sky. I was struck by how still the water was that day. The reflections were a perfect duplicate of reality. Unlike most of my paintings I painting half of it while the painting was upside down, which is actually harder than you might think. It was a little right brain, left brain tug-o -war. Sometimes I wish I could not only paint what I see visual, but also paint what I audibly hear as well. Country mornings create the most beautiful music.

The Elder
22” by 14”
The Elder was a big gnarly maple that stood at the edge of what my husbands family called ‘the grove’. The grove consisted of eight, equally large maples, that existed on a small parcel of land, flanked on 3 sides with slow moving brooks and streams. It was a favorite place for the family to have picnics and once a year the local Lutheran church children played beneath the sheltering branches, during their Sunday School picnic.
Today the grove consists of only 3 of the original trees and even the cows that kept the grass at bay, are long gone. This ‘Elder’ however, continues to watch over the grove. holding stories of 100 plus years beneath her bark.
22” by 14”
The Elder was a big gnarly maple that stood at the edge of what my husbands family called ‘the grove’. The grove consisted of eight, equally large maples, that existed on a small parcel of land, flanked on 3 sides with slow moving brooks and streams. It was a favorite place for the family to have picnics and once a year the local Lutheran church children played beneath the sheltering branches, during their Sunday School picnic.
Today the grove consists of only 3 of the original trees and even the cows that kept the grass at bay, are long gone. This ‘Elder’ however, continues to watch over the grove. holding stories of 100 plus years beneath her bark.

Visitor At Dawn
14" by 22"
I have a fondness for Chickadees that goes back many years. As a child my Mother taught me how to stand very still with an out stretched hand. On my fuzzy brown mitten was gift of sunflower seeds. If I waited long enough I was rewarded with a visit from a friendly little chickadee. I remember he was weightless as he took a seed and flitted off into the snow. Everyone needs to experience a visit from a chickadee at least once in their life.
14" by 22"
I have a fondness for Chickadees that goes back many years. As a child my Mother taught me how to stand very still with an out stretched hand. On my fuzzy brown mitten was gift of sunflower seeds. If I waited long enough I was rewarded with a visit from a friendly little chickadee. I remember he was weightless as he took a seed and flitted off into the snow. Everyone needs to experience a visit from a chickadee at least once in their life.