On August 29, 2019 I will be celebrating my studio's 30th anniversary. I can remember when my husband and I planned this space, we were struck by it's spaciousness. 30 years later, I feel the need to let go of some of my favorite vintage pieces, in order to make room in my studio. This page will be a living document, changing daily, as these beauties find new homes and new ones are added. Currently I am focusing on the 6" by 8" oil paintings from the 60 paintings that I complete in my 30 in 30 challenge. If you are interested in a painting, place your curser over the image to see the price and then subtract 50%. Example: $175 minus 50% = $87.50 (Plus tax). This is a crazy thing that Im doing, so snag these little gems before I change my mind. Please contact me through my contact form or give me a call.